ASAC: Annual Fundraising Dinner 2022
Dear members,
We are receiving harrowing tales of untold misery of the flood victims particularly in Sind. Thousands of people especially children are dying of hunger, disease and disaster. Now with the winter setting in they are lying out in the cold with out shelter. They do not even have tattered rags to save themselves from the cold winds. Living comfortably in well heated homes we can not even imagine the pathetic conditions of those children shivering from cold , malaria and fever besides hunger.
Our people in Karachi have made an urgent appeal for help to provide food, medicines, drinking water, clothing and quilts to the flood victims. اللہ کسی کو ایسا مجبور و بےبس نہ کرے – No one, at present is more deserving than these victims.
As part of its Annual Dinner Anjuman Sadate Amroha is organizing a fund raising campaign to raise funds for helping the flood victims. I personally appeal to each and every member of Sadate Amroha to support our efforts and raise funds through your contacts and resources. You are also requested to donate personally whatever you can. You may send , in Anjuman’s account, your donations by e transfers : Or you may also make donations at the dinner.
The Annual Dinner is on Friday, December, 02, 2022 at 7.00 pm at Livadia Banquet Hall, 918, Dundas street, East, Mississauga.
May Allah bless you and your families with infinite bounties.