
Our Roots


“Saadat-e-Amroha” originally comes from a small town called Amroha located eighty-one miles (130km) east of Delhi. Amroha is one of the most ancient cities of India. Local theories of the source of its name differ. One originates ‘Amroha’ from the Sanskrit word “Amrovanam, the area of mangoes” another is that the name is combination of “Aam” (mango) and “Rohu” (a Kind of fish), which are found in abundance in the River Sot which flows through Amroha.

Our Heritage

Syed Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat had two sons, Syed Mir Ali Bazurg, Syed Abdul Aziz and a daughter Baqia-ut-Tahirah aka Bibi Bakhui.

It is said that Hazrat Shah Wilayat’s spiritual influence, preaching and reverence had reached to the Sultan of Delhi. This is evident from the fact that Syed Mir Ali Bazurg, the elder son of Hazrat Shah Wilayat was appointed as Qazi (Judge) of Amroha by Sultan of Delhi.

About Us

There are about 350 members of Saadat-e-Amroha living in Canada. Most of them are living in the Greater Toronto Area. They are highly educated and talented people including doctors, engineers, lawyers, accountants, teachers, poets, writers and entrepreneurs. Their children are intelligent, hard-working and pursuing to get the highest level of educational and professional qualifications. Saadat-e-Amroha members are simple, decent, tolerant and helpful people. They are honest, upright and conscientious.