About Us
Our Roots
“Saadat-e-Amroha” originally comes from a small town called Amroha located eighty-one miles (130km) east of Delhi. Amroha is one of the most ancient cities of India. Local theories of the source of its name differ. One originates ‘Amroha’ from the Sanskrit word “Amrovanam, the area of mangoes” another is that the name is combination of “Aam” (mango) and “Rohu” (a Kind of fish), which are found in abundance in the River Sot which flows through Amroha.
Amroha was established 2500 years ago, during the reign of Raja “Amar Jodha” from the town “Hastanapur”. Apart from the historic books, there are no signs left within Amroha, or in its surroundings, concerning the Hindu rule. The author of Tarikh-i-Amroha (History of Amroha) states that Amroha was ruled by Bhardwaj Tagas Dynasty between 676 and 1141 AD. Mahmud of Ghazni conquered Amroha in 589 AH/1093 AD. Subsequently, Behram Shah (1240–42) appointed Malik Jalaluddin as Haakim (ruler) of Amroha in 1242. In December 1305, the Battle of Amroha was fought when an army of Sultan Allauddin Khilji crushed an invading Mongol army. Ever since Amroha remained under Muslim rule.
Amroha is a small town of old nobility, where both Hindus and Muslims lived peacefully. The Naqvi Saadat (Syeds), who are the descendants of the great Sufi Saint Syed Hussain Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat, formed a large section of population in Amroha. Other members of Saadat namely Abidis, Jafris , Taqvis and Jilanis are also living in Amroha since centuries. They are inter-related through marriages. Not only Muslims but many Hindus regard Hazrat Shah Wilayat as Saint (Wali) of Amroha and pay highest respect to him.
Syed Hussain Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat came to Amroha with his family in 670 AH /1272 AD. It was during the rule of Sultan Ghyasuddin Balban. However, some scholars disagree and claim that the family landed in Amroha in 690 AH/ 1292AH, during the rule of Sultan Jalaluddin Firoz Shah Khilji. Earlier his father Syed Mir Ali Bozurg migrated to a town called ‘Uchh’ near Multan from ‘Waasit’- a hamlet in Iraq. Hazrat Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat was nephew and son-in-law of a great Saint of Uchh, Syed Jalaluddin (Surkh Posh) Bukhari. Syed Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat was in 11th generation of Imam Ali Naqi, the tenth Imam of Shias and 20th generation of Prophet Mohammad PBUH.
Young Sharfuddin received his primary education of Dars-e-Quran (Study of Quran) and Hadith at home from his father who was his mentor and tutor. As he grew-up he was trained in spiritual disciplines by great saints namely Syed Jalauddin Bukhari, Syed Bahuddin Zakaria and Moulana Nasehuddin Suharwardi s/o Qazi Hameeduddin Nagori. The names of Saint Arif Suharwardi and Syed Usman Lal Shahbaz Qalander (aka Jhulewala) are included in the list of his teachers.
Impressed by his wisdom and spiritual ascendancy he was assigned the area between River Ganges and Kumayun Hills (surrounding the town of Amroha) as his preaching spiritual domain by his spiritual guides. Through his knowledge, wisdom and spiritual power he preached Islamic teachings in and around Amroha. He followed the simple ascetic life and his message was universal love, compassion and brotherhood. The fame of his piety and erudition spread in all the four corners around Amroha.
He died on 21 Rajab 740 AH/1342 AD and was buried in Amroha. He discontinued the practice of baiyat and the system of succession was discarded forever in his lineage. Hence there was no provision of SAJJADA NASHEENI (Spiritual Succession) in his hierarchy that is so common and necessary in case of other Sufi saints in the subcontinent. The living miracle of his spiritual power is that scorpions who are found in abundance do not bite the people inside the compound of his Shrine.